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Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

1.1 This page relates to www.hair2beautyjobsource.com which will be referred to as H2B. The term "you" & "user" are used to refer to all persons using this website. The term 'JS' refers to Jobseekers and 'EMP' Employers. If you use this website you accept these Terms & Conditions. H2B reserves the right to modify these Terms & Conditions at any time.

2. What We Provide

2.1 H2B provides a service to bring Jobseekers and Employees together. JS and EMP can register, create profiles/job posts and contact each other.

2.2 It is entirely up to JS and EMP who they choose to contact and reply to.

2.3 It is not the responsibility of H2B to search for JS or EMP on behalf of the user; it is up to the user to do this for themselves via the tools provided.

3. Privacy Policy

3.1 JS can provide an employment profile visible to registered EMP. JS profile data will include information optionally provided such as CV, employment history, education, photo and contact details.

3.2 JS has the right to provide anonymous profile by using first name only or an 'alias'. For example: Julia 232. It is entirely up to JS how much personal data they include within their profile.

3.3 JS profile can be deleted at any time via their account or requesting deletion via the contact us page.

3.4 If JS applies for a job vacancy or replies to a private message from EMP, they may make contact for employment related purposes only using the data provided by the JS.

3.5 EMP are required to give accurate name and company name information/details. They are required to provide genuine information on any job advertisements posted. This can be edited or deleted via their account.

3.6 Registered EMP with active package can contact JS via the private messaging system. They can also make contact via telephone number or contact details provided within their CV. It is optional for JS to provide their telephone number and CV.

3.7 Registered JS with profile can apply for EMP job vacancies. Applications are sent to EMP email address which is not visible on the job advert. If EMP wishes to display contact details in their job description they may do so.

3.8 User details may be used by H2B to make contact regarding customer service issues relating to the website.

3.9 During registration the user will be given the opportunity to opt in to receive newsletters and promotional offers. JS can also opt in to receive job alerts. Any correspondence received will relate only to the H2B website. The user can opt out of these notifications via their account settings at any time. Alternatively they can contact us to opt out and we will adjust their account settings for them.

3.10 Any data submitted by the user will be used for recruitment purposes only. Our service exists for the sole purpose of connecting JS and EMP to fill job vacancies. Outside of JS details optionally provided for EMP, user contact details will not be given to any third party by H2B for marketing or promotional activities.

3.11 Users have the right to delete their account and all personal data from H2B at any time. At this point all information will be removed and forgotten. Account deletion can be requested via the contact us page.

3.12 Users have the right to access and edit any personal data via their account. Alternatively this can be requested via the contact us page.

3.13 All website data is contained on servers physically based within the UK. User data will be retained on our website until deletion is requested by the user.

3.14 Users must be over the age of 16 to register on our website.

3.15 You may contact us with any questions regarding our privacy policy.

85 Great Portland Street
First Floor

If you are based within the EU and feel we have not properly answered your questions or concerns relating to privacy, you have the right to make a complaint with the relevant data protection authority in your country.

4. Website Use

4.1 H2B may not be used by any person for any of the following purposes:-

a) To contact JS or EMP regarding any issue apart from the purpose of recruitment, to a specific job posted on this website.

b) To contact JS or EMP to offer any services from a 3rd party company.

c) To advertise any business or service, all information posted by the user must be either an EMP job post or a JS profile.

d) To post any sexually explicit material - text, images or otherwise.

e) To post any material which could be deemed offensive to other users - text, images or otherwise.

f) To post any material which may be sexually explicit, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist to any other user via a job post, profile, private message or job application.

4.2 The user is required to provide truthful information in their profile or job post, with the exception of JS who can provide an 'alias' for their name if they wish to appear anonymous. This is the only exception where false information may be entered by the user.

4.3 EMP can only provide 1 job vacancy per advertisement, additional job posts must be purchased for this purpose. EMP cannot post the same job vacancy multiple times during the package period. They cannot edit a live job post to advertise a different job vacancy during the package period, additional job posts must be purchased for this purpose.

4.4 It is prohibited for any person to attempt to login to an account which is not their own, or try to gain access to any password protected area of the site without authorisation.

4.5 It is prohibited to use any text or images from H2B for personal use or commercial gain. This would breach copyright laws and may result in legal action being taken.

4.6 Any user found operating the site inappropriately will have their account deleted from the website and be banned from using our service.

5. User Information

5.1 While H2B does check through job posts and profiles regularly, H2B does not hold responsibility for any untruthful and/or inaccurate information included.

5.2 If H2B is alerted to any untruthful and/or inaccurate information included within user job posts/profiles, H2B reserve the right to remove such information and user account from the website.

5.3 H2B reserves the right to edit or delete any information submitted by the user to the website.

6. Liability

6.1 H2B will not be liable for any loss or damage the user may encounter from using the website.

6.2 H2B is not responsible for an EMP who has not gained an employee from using the service.

6.3 H2B is not responsible for an EMP who has not received any employee response from using the service.

6.4 H2B is not responsible for any work agreement or contract between a JS and EMP that have been connected via this service.

7. Cookies Policy

7.1 When you visit most websites a small piece of information called a cookie is placed on your computer. Cookies are used to enable a website to perform certain tasks such as saving your preferences and letting you navigate between pages properly. These tasks are important to improve your user experience.

7.2 We use third party cookies from Google to track visitors to this website for our own management and reporting purposes. We do not use cookies from any third party marketing companies or advertisers.

7.3 Most browsers will allow you to turn off cookies. Please visit the 'Help' option in your browser menu to learn how to do this. Please be aware that disabling cookies may affect the way that the website operates and restrict your functionality.

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