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La Source International

Our Company Jobs

A really warm welcome! You have just discovered the best recruitment agency for all your spa and beauty recruitment needs both here in the UK and abroad and registration is FREE, so why not sign up today?

La Source International is an agency that really pushes the boundaries in terms of client and candidate care and we believe our reputation speaks for itself through our testimonials.

We recruit right across the beauty and spa sector and within the following key areas:

  • Beauty, Spa and Aesthetic Therapists
  • Head/Lead Therapists
  • Assistant Beauty, Spa and Clinic Managers
  • Beauty, Spa and Clinic Managers
  • Spa and Clinic Directors
  • Group Spa Managers and key senior personnel
  • Skin care Trainers and Education
  • Sales Managers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Beauty and Spa Reception
  • Sales and Marketing
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