Habia has launched the most detailed and authoritative skills survey of the hair, beauty, nails and spa industries in over five years, with top prizes up for grabs for those who take part.
The survey will provide a picture of the sector as it is now in terms of skills gaps, training and business performance, and will help Habia plan future initiatives that support future growth and raise standards. The results will be used to create new projects and programmes designed to ensure that new recruits have the skills employers require and that training helps businesses develop their staff to meet client demand.
It will also provide background information and evidence for when communicating to government about important policy and funding issues.
The survey is part of Habia’s Big Conversation, which aims to give learning providers the opportunity to speak directly to Habia, the government recognised Sector Skills Body and industry authority for hair and beauty, on issues ranging from funding and qualifications to skills needs and reform – at a time when the sector is facing unprecedented challenges and changes.
Habia is also offering a prize of up to £1000 worth of training from the Habia Skills Team to the training provider that manages to encourage the most responses from in its local network.
The survey is available at www.habia.org/bigconversation